I'll Be Baaaaack...I Am Baaaaaack

Well, friends, it turns out this writing-all-the-time thing is actually a little hard to keep up with! My apologies to the three of you for the long absence, my mom was here for a visit, then I was traveling for work and then the fam-bam took a little trip to Rochester to say a hearty “Do zobaczenia” (that’s goodbye in polish) to Tommy’s grandpa, may he rest in peace.

We returned home to some unfortunate issues with our interwebs connection, and as I am expressly and explicitly foreboden from memoiring at work, I have been relegated to posting my thoughts in Word documents until the connectivity issues were rectified.

So here we are! And instead of telling you about all of the great things you missed in Parr world the last couple of weeks, I’ll provide a shameless picture parade of my firstborn for your enjoyment and fill you in on the detes through random stock photo-filled posts over the next few weeks.

Hearts rhymes with farts!






1 comment:

  1. Love the Mike Mulligan t-shirt! That takes me back :) Glad you're back on the blog...looking forward to more pics and literary tidbits !!


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